2 days ago  — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 28, 2021 Roy is in his second term as representative. He previously served as Cruz's chief of staff during Cruz's first term as senator. A Texas man was arrested on suspicion of taking part in the U.S. Capitol siege and posting threats, including one about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Those hoping to cash in on the massive Equifax settlement might be out of luck, thanks to AOC.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted a call for those affected by the 2017 data leak to make a claim, saying they could get $125 — “a nice chunk of change.”

But only $31 million has been earmarked for the payments, and the more who file claims, the less each person gets.

If all 147 million entitled to money request it, they would get just 21 cents apiece.

The freshman Democratic Socialist tweeted out a link Friday to a page where anyone affected by the breach from the credit reporting agency could file a claim.

“Everyone: go get your check from Equifax! $125 is a nice chunk of change,” she said. “Get that money and pay off a bill, sock it away, take a day off, treat yourself, whatever you’d like – but cash 👏🏿 that 👏🏽 check! 👏🏻 💸 It takes one minute.”

Earlier this week Equifax reached a settlement with the FTC which included an agreement to create a fund with at least $575 million, though only a small percent of that will go to cash payouts.

The lion’s share of the settlement will go into free credit monitoring services or larger awards for individuals who can prove that they suffered identity theft as a result of the breach, according to The Verge.

In fact, if all 147 million people entitled to the $125 actually file for it, they can each expect to get just 21 cents apiece as developer Rufo Sanchez pointed out on Twitter.

“Okay everyone UPDATE on Equifax: for most people the better deal is 10 years of free credit monitoring,” AOC said in a follow-up tweet, urging her followers to pass on the cash payment and instead take another offer from the company.

“There’s apparently a run on settlements so there’s anxiety people are going to get 16 cent checks. But if you choose 10 years of credit monitoring, Equifax *must* cover it.”

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Ocasio Cortez Twitter Aoc Equifax Report

2019-07-27 15:28:00Z
Ocasio cortez twitter aoc equifax breachCAIiEP_abX51GlimXQqNxHPr3jMqGAgEKg8IACoHCAowhK-LAjD4ySww-9S0BQ

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The supporters of the president with a penchant for declaring that mainstream media peddles “fake news” whenever it publishes a negative story about him have no compunction spreading malicious lies about the rising progressive star in Congress, Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY).

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Right-wing trolls have targeted the outspoken congresswoman by taking to social media with a series of memes containing brazen falsehoods that Ocasio-Cortez rebutted on Twitter this morning. Armed with a fact check via Snopes.com, the Bronx-born political firebrand pointed out the desperation of the reactionaries who have put her in their crosshairs.

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The right has gotten increasingly desperate w/spreading targeted rumors about me lately.

Someone made up a meme that led to @snopes disproving this: https://t.co/M5ffXwvmtT

(Also, I had to live alone in my family’s apt after my dad died, so the eviction lie is especially bad) https://t.co/gJ8NYgenSR

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 9, 2019

As the Snopes article she links to points out, everything that John LeFevre — a man so reviled that his Twitter banner proudly includes a quote from The Times describing him as “a pretty loathsome human being” — is false.

AOC — as the congresswoman is now almost universally referred to, joining the ranks of Democratic luminaries such as JFK and LBJ known by a three initial shorthand — called out the Republican party for its failure to deal with real issues rather than throw stones from their glass houses.

This stuff is really sad. The GOP is so intellectually bankrupt that they no longer engage to debate issues in good faith, but instead seek to lie, distort, name-call, target, & destroy people/communities w any means possible.

It’s a virus and a race to the bottom.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 9, 2019

Ocasio Cortez Twitter Aoc Equifax

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She also pointed out the desperate attempts by the right to find any attack against her that could possibly resonate with Trump’s deplorable base regardless of how contradictory the claims they make about her may be.

It’s pretty wild that the GOP can’t decide whether they’re going to run with the conspiracy theory that I’m secretly rich, or the exaggeration & mockery of my family’s struggle after my dad died during the financial crisis.

Instead, they decide to defy logic and run with both.

Ocasio cortez twitter aoc equifax login

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 9, 2019

The lie about Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s credit score invited comments from people who have themselves suffered from poor credit rating from the financial cartel that determines FICO scores and inspired the avowed Democratic Socialist to intimate that she will be investigating the world of Equifax, Experian, and other private financial information brokers, particularly in light of the massive security breaches that Equifax has faced.



Writer and activist Shaun King offered a cogent observation about why the right-wing has made AOC their newest favorite target.

Conservatives are simultaneously scared to death of @AOC and so creepily obsessed with her that they are tying themselves in knots with competing/contradictory lies about her.

You have to laugh to keep from crying, but it’s actually dangerous and deeply problematic.


— Shaun King (@shaunking) February 9, 2019

Luckily, with a majority of Americans, Republicans included, supporting her call to increase the marginal tax rate of the rich to levels similar to the golden age of the American middle class, Representative Ocasi-Cortez won’t be cowed by the forces of regression.

Ocasio Cortez Twitter Account

If she’s this good in her first year in Congress at age 29, we can only imagine how fiercely effective she will be with a few more years of experience under her belt.

Ocasio Cortez Aoc Twitter

Follow Vinnie Longobardo on Twitter.

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Original reporting by Tal Axelrod at The Hill.