Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the progressive “squad” of legislators are already making demands of the Biden transition team even though Biden has yet to win the election and the national polls still look like a toss-up election.

Ocasio-Cortez is Nuyorican (a person of Puerto Rican-descent, born and raised in New York). In the interview, she talked about her heritage citing: “My identity is the descendant of many different identities. I am the descendant of African slaves. I am the descendant of Indigenous people. I am the descendant of Spanish colonizers.

  • The growing expectation that Ocasio-Cortez’s district is the one that New York will eliminate through redistricting stems from internal opposition to the young congresswoman that dates back to her 2018 upset primary victory over incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), a party leader and ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who was viewed.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Elon Musk lashes out at short sellers during GameStop market war. AOC praises Kamala Harris’s historic victory as VP-elect. US Election 2020.
  • Vice President Mike Pence and leaders of the House and Senate — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — have also received the vaccine: @VP Mike Pence, @SecondLady Karen Pence, and @SurgeonGeneral Jerome Adams receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Progressives have been adamant that any Biden administration include their influence, particularly in light of deals struck earlier in 2020, giving Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden the support of far-left activists who would have preferred Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the helm of the Democratic presidential campaign. Ocasio-Cortez is now on the record saying that she and others plan to “push” Biden to the left if he manages to eke out a victory in early November.

Ocasio Cortez Voting Record

“We’re different people, and clearly I, in the primary, one of the reasons why I was supportive of Senator Sanders was because of how progressive his stances are, but, you know, the primaries are over, and right now what is most important is to make sure that we ensure a Democratic victory in November and that we continue to push Vice President Biden on issues from marijuana to climate change to foreign policy,” she told news outlets last month, per The Daily Wire.

Now, according to POLITICO, she and other members of the “Squad” — including one prospective member who has yet to win an election — have signed on to an open letter demanding that Biden compile a far-left transition team devoid of CEOs and other corporate bigwigs, even if they are instrumental in setting up a new government.

“Left-wing House members including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, Ayanna Pressley, Raúl Grijalva, and candidate Jamaal Bowman along with 39 progressive groups signed a letter, obtained by POLITICO, arguing that no C-suite level corporate executives or corporate lobbyists ought to have Senate-confirmed positions in a Biden administration,” the outlet noted Friday.

“One of the most important lessons of the Trump administration is the need to stop putting corporate officers and lobbyists in charge of our government,” the group writes. “As elected leaders, we should stop trying to make Tunsupportable distinctions between which corporate affiliations are acceptable for government service and which are not.”

That may be difficult for any potential Biden administration to commit to, particularly given that positions like Secretary of the Treasury usually go to people who have experience handling corporate affairs and understand the stock market. And it’s not clear who progressives feel should take the place of experienced individuals from the private sector.

Earlier reports, of progressives organizing to infiltrate Biden’s transition team, may give some clues. After being “shut out of the Obama transition effort” in 2008, the far left has been training to take on the “wonky world of transition politics,” and professional far-left activists are now in a position to fill certain key roles. They’ve even outlined a two-step process to ensure their own success.

Ocasio Cortez Vp

“The process is two-fold, the groups say,” as The Daily Wire reported back in September. “First, they are creating ‘opposition research’ files on moderate potential appointees and circulating memos about their lack of fitness through left-wing publications. Second, they’re ‘vetting’ a handful of progressives with policy bona fides who they believe can fill key White House roles so that those candidates can be presented to Biden’s transition architects with full, impressive resumes.”

Ocasio-cortez vote count

Biden has indicated some openness to far-left policies, and it does not appear progressives will take “no” as an answer.

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Is AOC eligible to be president or vice president in 2020 or 2024?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., has emerged as a rising progressive leader during her first term as a congresswoman. Because of her popularity, she's been touted as a possible candidate for president or vice president. Here's when Ocasio-Cortez will be eligible for those higher offices.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been floated as a possible presidential or vice presidential candidate -- but is the rising progressive star too young for those top positions?

Section 1 of Article Two of the U.S. Constitution establishes the eligibility requirements for the presidency: 'No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.'

Ocasio Cortez Vp

And, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution sets the requirements for the vice presidency: '...[N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.'

Ocasio Cortez Vp

Ocasio-Cortez was born on October 13, 1989, meaning she would not be 35 years old by Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021. Therefore, even though she is a natural-born citizen and a long-term U.S. resident, Ocasio-Cortez is ineligible to be either the president or vice president in the 2020 campaign cycle. AOC would also be ineligible to fill these posts at any time during the next administration.

Blanca Ocasio Cortez

However, Ocasio-Cortez would be eligible to serve as president or vice president in the 2024 campaign cycle, narrowly making the age cutoff. She will have turned 35 by Inauguration Day on January 20, 2025.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has been floated as a possible presidential contender. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

The only possible constitutional exceptions that could barr AOC from the high offices would occur in rather extreme circumstances -- including if AOC were ever somehow impeached or disqualified by the U.S. Senate, or found to have rebelled against the United States.

In the meantime, Ocasio-Cortez, who endorsed Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential bid, has kept up her high profile as a first-term congresswoman with an urgent and unique agenda.

'One thing that I am concerned about ... is in our climate,' Ocasio-Cortez said as Joe Biden cemented his frontrunner status in the 2020 race. 'I'm legitimately concerned about what this means for carbon emissions... There are many many issues where peoples' lives are on the line. But the scale and the feedback and the irreversible nature of climate change is something that we all really need to pay close attention to.'

And top progressives, who have watched as Ocasio-Cortez has repeatedly taken on Democratic congressional leaders, say she isn't going anywhere.

Ocasio-cortez voting results

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a leader in the progressive movement,” longtime Bernie Sanders adviser Jeff Weaver told Politico last year. “She is broadly popular, frankly, among Democratic voters. She is particularly strong with young voters, voters of color.'

Fox News' Tyler Olson contributed to this report.