Y Sports Club
Varsity sports are based at schools while club teams are community based. Varsity athletes play for their schools and, while club athletes can come from the entire community and even broader. Clubs are perfect for athletes who want to push themselves to higher levels and to play off season from school sports. BOSTON SPORTS CLUBS; WASHINGTON SPORTS CLUBS; PHILADELPHIA SPORTS CLUBS; Our Difference col0. Corporate Wellness; Learn More Work with NYSC; Join Our Super Team colImg. NYSC; Find a Gym Find a Class Train With Us col0. One on One; Programs Free Assessment colImg. NYSC; Kids & Family col1. Programs; Sports Clubs for Kids.
There are more than 100 Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y, Coed 'Y' Clubs in 80+ Georgia counties. The 'Y' Club program provides thousands of middle and high school students with a school-based structured environment to develop leadership skills, understand the importance of civic responsibility, and enhance community through monthly school and community service projects. 'Y' Club is open to all middle and high school students. The 'Y' Club purpose is 'To create, maintain and extend throughout the home, school, and community, high standards of Christian character.
Local 'Y' Club Members -
•Organize, manage and lead their own local club;
•Recruit members into the club;
•Select and support officers, committee chairs and special project leaders;
•Conduct meetings and committee work to make and carry out decisions;
•Create, plan and carry out school and community projects monthly;
•Build school and community civic leadership;
•Participate in statewide conferences;
Below are some commonly asked questions.
What is a 'Y' Club?
'Y' Club like many Clubs:
•Meets Monthly
•Does Projects
•Attends Events
•Collects Dues
•Elects Officers
'Y' Club is unique because of:
1. Leadership Development
•Advisor Training
•Public Speaking and Communication Skills
•Team Building
2. State YMCA Resources
•Full Time District Director
•Promotional Materials
•Club Meeting Programs
•Monthly Correspondence
•Club Handbook
•Recognition Program

3. Conferences
•Leadership Development: Youth Training Conference and District Rally
•Youth In Government: Youth Assembly, Georgia United Nations Assembly, and Washington Seminar
•Character and Values: Christian Life Conference and Basketball Tournaments
Local 'Y' Club Members Opportunities
•Good Public Relations
•Positive Peer Pressure
•Values Education
•Investment in Student's Lives
Starting a 'Y' Club in Schools
Every middle and high school in Georgia is eligible to have a 'Y' Club.
Ny Sports Club Brooklyn
Step 1: Invite a staff member of the State YMCA to your school to make a presentation. The State Office has many people ready, willing, and able to come and talk with administrators, teachers, and students about the program. We will help you promote it to your school or group! Contact the State YMCA office at 1-866-423-2582 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about starting your club.
Step 2: The next step in organizing a 'Y' Club is to find fellow students, grades 9-12 for high school or grades 6-8 for middle school, with an interest in:
1.) serving self, school and community through volunteer initiatives
2.) making a positive difference through civic engagement and responsibility
3.) understanding the importance of local and state government and the political process
4.) striving to maintain high standards regarding values, leadership and responsibility.
Next, you will need an Advisor for your Club. Your Advisor can be any teacher, parent or community leader who possesses a strong interest in leading a group of high school or middle school aged participants in experiences related to leadership training, service to others and social development. Staff from the State YMCA will go over details of Club formation and duties with each Advisor, as well as provide a program Handbook for use during the year.
Starting a 'Y' Club at the local YMCA
Students living in cities and towns with a YMCA can also attain full participation in the State YMCA programs, through the establishment of a 'Y' Club at their local YMCA.
Step 1: Invite a staff member of the State YMCA to your local YMCA or group to make a presentation. The State Office has many people ready, willing, and able to come and talk with administrators, teachers, and students about the program. We will help you promote it to your school or group! Contact the State YMCA office at 770-455-9622 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about starting your club.
Step 2: The next step in organizing a 'Y' Club is to find fellow students, grades 9-12 for high school or grades 6-8 for middle school, with an interest in:
1.) serving self, school and community through volunteer initiatives
2.) making a positive difference through civic engagement and responsibility
3.) understanding the importance of local and state government and the political process
4.) striving to maintain high standards regarding values, leadership and responsibility.

Next, you will need an Advisor for your Club. Your Advisor can be any teacher, parent or community leader who possesses a strong interest in leading a group of high school or middle school aged participants in experiences related to leadership training, service to others and social development. Staff from the State YMCA will go over details of Club formation and duties with each Advisor, as well as provide a program Handbook for use during the year.
Qualifications for Starting a 'Y' Club
Delegation Qualifications:
•Must be sponsored and supervised by a school system, local YMCA, church group, home-school, or community organization.
•Provide one adult Advisor, minimum 21 years of age, per every 15 delegates registered and attending program conferences.
•Must adhere to all YMCA policies and procedures, including but not limited to transportation, marketing, media, and safety policies.
•Must abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Student YMCA constitution.
Ny Sports Club Hoboken
Being a 'Y' Club Advisor
This adult accepts full responsibility for the supervision and development of the 'Y' Club. Although students run as much of our programs as possible, we do have adults around for guidance and support. The State Office expects the following of our Advisors:
•Recruiting additional Advisors as needed to maintain the appropriate ratio.
•Supporting students as necessary in recruitment of new participants.
•Communicate information about YMCA Scholarship program and fundraising opportunities.
•Ensuring timely submission of paperwork and program fees to the State Office.
•Enforcing the dress code at all statewide program events.
•Coordinate transportation to all State YMCA program events.
•Help provide resources to members in preparation for their role in the program (bill writing, court case preparation, practice in parliamentary procedure, lobbying techniques, writing news articles, etc.).
•Keep copies of members and Advisor registration forms, health history forms, and permission slips and bring them to State YMCA events.
Ny Sports Club White Plains
State Officers
Ny Sports Club Near Me
State Officers are members of a 'Y' Club and are elected by their peers to serve over the Youth Training Conference. This tradition helps ensure that our programs remain student led and student inspired programs.