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With some teachers struggling to juggle 32 children at once, how can we improve our children's learning environment?...

With some teachers struggling to juggle 32 children at once, how can we improve our children's learning environment?

Australian students’ results in science and maths have ‘significantly improved’.Source:Supplied

Australia has climbed into the top 10 for Year 8 maths and science globally, but the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children has not significantly narrowed over four years.

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has released its 2019 report into Year 4 and Year 8 learning achievements, finding an overall improvement in the nation’s maths and science standards.

Australia “significantly improved” in Year 8 science and maths, and Year 4 science, in absolute terms and relative to other countries. Year 4 maths results remained unchanged.

Australian Year 8 students performed particularly strongly, and were outperformed by just six of the 39 countries surveyed.

Australian students’ results in science and maths have ‘significantly improved’. Picture: Robert Pozo/AAPSource:News Corp Australia

Education Dan Tehan Minister welcomed the results, suggesting they showed government reforms had the education system “moving in the right direction”.

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“Our Government is focused on improving the literacy and numeracy skills of Australian students, because they are the fundamental building blocks of a successful education,” he said.

“We all must maintain our focus on student outcomes and achieving the highest standards.”

Dr Sue Thomson, ACER deputy chief executive, said while the results were encouraging, more needed to be done to boost the results of students from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Education Minister Dan Tehan has welcomed the results. Picture: Mick Tsikas/AAPSource:AAP

“Strong results in mathematics and science are vital for our long-term economy, and these findings show that some progress has been made in achieving our national goals,” she said.

“However, as always, we need to note that these results are not uniform, and that there is still a solid tail of underachievement that needs to be addressed.”

Between 68 and 78 per cent of Australian students hit the report’s benchmark, the nationally agreed proficient standard.

But the survey, which is conducted every four years, showed that the achievement gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children had not significantly narrowed since 2015.

The results found the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous kids had ‘not significantly’ narrowed. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Students from remote and regional areas also continued to lag behind their metropolitan contemporaries.

The results come after a 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment report found Australian students lagged more than three years behind their Chinese counterparts.

It also revealed Australian students’ scores in science had fallen to their lowest recorded level.

Labor education spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek said although the latest figures were an improvement, Australia was well behind where it needed to be.

“Australia’s results are still not good enough - we should be at the top of the pack,” she said.

“One in four Australian kids aren’t meeting our national standard, (and) around one in 10 Australian kids failed to display even a basic understanding of maths.

“Results for country kids are still behind those for city kids. Results for Indigenous kids are still behind those for non-Indigenous kids.”

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Other key findings:

– Australian boys outperformed girls in Year 4 mathematics, but there was no significant gender difference in Year 4 science or Year 8 results

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– In Year 8 mathematics, students who spoke a language other than English at home outperformed those who did not. That result was reversed in Year 4 science.

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Of the 5,300 children enrolled in the Ohio Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice Initiative since 2006, 21% reported that someone close them had been murdered in the past year. Nearly half of the boys and more than a quarter of the girls in the program have both a substance abuse and mental health disorder.

But there's good news, too: From 2017 through 2019, 81% of the participants--aged 10 through 17--successfully completed the state's juvenile diversion program, and data indicated that 79% of youth reduced their contact with police while in treatment.

Those findings are from a new detailed evaluation of the Ohio Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice Initiative (BHJJ) by researchers at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University.

The key conclusion: Many youthful offenders can benefit from community-based diversion programs designed to address mental health and substance use issues in lieu of commitment to local or state-run detention centers.

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'The majority of justice-involved youth have a history of mental health and/or substance-use issues, and have experienced a great deal of trauma,' said Jeff Kretschmar, co-author of the study and the research associate professor at the university's Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education. 'However, local jurisdictions are often ill-equipped to accurately assess youth for behavioral health problems and provide appropriate treatment. Ohio's Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice Initiative was intended to transform and expand the local systems' options to better serve these youths.'

The report focused on youth currently enrolled in the program rather than retrospectively, Kretschmar said, to 'identify emerging behavioral health trends and better understand the effectiveness of the model as it operates across Ohio today.'

Report highlights include:

  • Youth reported a significant decrease in trauma symptoms and problem severity from intake to termination, and a significant improvement in functioning.
  • Since 2015, only 3.8% of youth enrolled in BHJJ were committed to a state-run detention facility after enrollment.
  • BHJJ costs about $5,200 per child, compared with $196,000 per child who enters a state-run detention facility.

'The breadth of the data provides us with an opportunity to examine outcomes for youth in BHJJ from a variety of angles and provides practitioners with enough information to match programming with behavioral health needs,' said Fredrick Butcher, research assistant professor at the Begun Center.



BHJJ was launched 20 years ago at the request of Ohio juvenile court judges, with help from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Ohio Department of Youth Services. The Begun Center has served as the evaluation partner since 2005.