Plot.bas can be used to plot numerical data. Features include: cartesian axes (x and y-axes are not fixed) include to show origin yes or no. Include to show gridlines yes or no. Add titles for x- and y-axis. Plotting types are 'point', 'connected line' and 'bar'. Different traces can be plot in the same drawing pane. Visual basic how to declare a variable; visual basic how to determine if an array already contains an item; visual basic how to dynamically change a button to bold; visual basic how to plot points on a graph using the chart; visual basic how to prevent dupilcates from being written to an array; visual basic msdos; visual basic non modal message box.

Plot Graph Visual Basic

This is a program that can plot graphs for quadratic functions. The formula of a quadratic equation is f(x)= ax2+bx+c , where a, b and c are constant.

This program employs a picture box as the plot area and three text boxes to obtain the values of the coefficients a, b, c of the quadratic equation from the users. We also need to modify the scale factor in the properties windows of the picture box. We are using a scale of 0.5 cm to represent 1 unit .
Besides, we need to make some transformation as the coordinates in VB start from top left but we want it to start from the middle. We can use the Pset method to draw the graph using a very small increment. Pset is a method that draws a dot on the screen, the syntax is

Pset(x,y), color

Where (x,y) is the coordinates of the dot and color is the color of the dot. Using the For Next loop together with Pset, we can draw a line on the screen.

The Interface

Plot Visual Basic

Plots end visual basic

The Code

Private Sub cmd_draw_Click()
Dim a, b, c As Integer
Dim w, v As Single
a = Val(txt_a.Text)
b = Val(txt_b.Text)
c = Val(txt_c.Text)
'Using a scale of 0.5 cm to represent i unit to draw the graph
' Need to make some transformation as the coordinates in VB start from top left

For w = 0 To 10 Step 0.001
v = a * (5 - w) ^ 2 - b * (5 - w) + c
pic_graph.PSet (w, 5 - v)
Next w
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txt_a.Text = '
txt_b.Text = '
txt_c.Text = '
End Sub

Microsoft plots end visual basic

Plots Visual Basic Programming

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