EVENT STUFF plots.admin.build.road plots.admin.build.unowned plots.admin.build.other plots.admin.destroy.road plots.admin.destroy.unowned plots.admin.destroy.other. McLoughlin Blvd. 75 plots - 20' x 20' 20 plots - 10' x 10' 3 raised beds - 4' x 12' 7 round raised containers; This site has access to restrooms, drinking fountains, picnic tables, benches and parking. Warn: Bypass destroy and build needs 'plots.admin.interact.other' to function. Plots.admin.build.road; plots.admin.build.unowned; plots.admin.build. An influence plot shows the outlyingness, leverage, and influence of each case. The plot shows the residual on the vertical axis, leverage on the horizontal axis, and the point size is the square root of Cook's D statistic, a measure of the influence of the point. Outliers are cases that do not correspond to the model fitted to the bulk of the. Time is money; delay in a certain construction project affects time and thus money, which is the lifeblood of any economy. The timely completion of highway construction projects is considered one of the most important factors referring to the project success, as well as the quality and the safety.

Just want a simple map? Click the picture below and exploremore than a dozen maps including zoning, land use, dangerous dogs and more.

We recommend using Chrome for viewing our interactive maps.

If you are experiencing problems getting the applications to load and work correctly, please see the FAQ,

Go to the Mapping Application

Description of Mapping Application

Need More Information

Volusia County Kiosk Map

This application allows you to view multiple departments information in one location. You can use this to accomplish advanced tasks. View Land Use and Planning Information, Voting Districts, and a multitude of other GIS layers are available for your interaction.

Flood Zone Application

This application allows you to enter an address and locate whether or not you are located in a flood zone.

For the Official FEMA site

Fire Hydrant Application

This application allows you to enter an address and locate the nearest fire hydrant or alternate water source as well as the closest fire station. You must be zoomed in to 1:1,800 to see hydrants draw.

Storm Surge Application

This application allows you to enter an address and locate whether or not you are located in a hurricane storm surge or evacuation zone.

New Wind Speed Maps for Building Construction

This application allows you to enter an address to see the wind speed maps for Volusia County and also to determine what areas are subject to wind-borne debris requirements.

Need to rent a pavilion, meeting room, sports field, camp site or a fire pit on the beach? use this map to see a picture of the facility.

Ecological, Cultural, Historical and Outdoor (ECHO) activities Mapping Application

Volusia County abounds with an abundance of recreational, natural and historic places to view and experience first hand. This application allows you to view information from multiple organizations in one location.

Plots admin interact road

How to play PirateCraft Creative Plots

PirateCraft Creative plots can be accessed in a few ways, from Survival you can use /server hub and right click the creative NPC to get to the creative world, or you can visit /warp station from survival, enter the portal and right click the NPC, or you can connect directly with hub.piratemc.com in your server browser. In the Near future we will have /play and /creative from all servers.

How do I get back to Survival?

Use /hub or /spawn and click on the Survival NPC from Hub, or use /server survival, or you can /hub or /spawn and use the server selector tool, or you can use /play and click the survival server icon from the GUI.


What is PirateCraft creative plots?

Creative plots is a flatworld separated into 64×64 plots for people to claim as their own to work on Server projects, Arenas for mini-games, Personal projects, test redstone, test ship designs etc! Plots can be merged into mega plots, friends added and plenty of settings, with Worldedit and VoxelSniper being limited to each plot or megaplot! Can I just create one massive mega plot from all my plots anywhere I want? YES! This is what I want people to do, create Mega plots and treat it as your own flatworld, the maximum number of plots you can merge is 16 64×64 plots, and you get the road blocks too!


Plots Admin Interact Road

  • Plot downloading & cross server saving and loading oh yeah!
  • Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving
  • Plot merging, your own plots or between friends
  • Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system
  • Mob protection and per plot mob limiting
  • Interactive chat commands such as plot listing
  • Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration
  • Plot schematic saving, loading and pasting as well as BO3 exporting
  • Per player settings such as plot chat and entry notifications
  • Command recommendation if you mistype something
  • Plot commenting and inboxes
  • Pistons and Sand/TNT cannons are properly restricted
  • Per plot redstone settings + plot redstone disablers
  • Fast async worldediting
  • WorldEdit & VoxelSniper restricted to plots
  • Four tiers of plot allowance: Owner, Helper, Trusted, Denied
  • Plot naming (for teleportation)


For all commands in-game use /plot to list them, they are also listed on a plot just outside the Creative spawn on signs.


  • /plot claim Claim the current plot you are standing in
  • /plot auto Claim the nearest plot
  • /plot delete Delete a plot (Admins only)
  • /plot swap Swap two plots (Admin only)
  • /plot move Move a plot (Admins only)
  • /plot copy Copy a plot (Admins only)
  • /plot grant
  • /plot setowner Set the plot owner (Admins only)
Plots Admin Interact Road


  • /plot visit [player alias world id] [#] Visit a plot Aliases: visit,v,tp,teleport,goto,home,h
  • /plot kick Kick a player from your plot
  • /plot middle Teleports you to the center of the current plot


  • /plot trust Allow a pirate full build in your plot
  • /plot add Allow a landlubber to build, as long as you are online!
  • /plot deny Deny a scub from your plot
  • /plot remove Remove a player from a plot
  • /plot merge Merge a plot you are standing in with another one.
  • /plot unlink Un-link a mega plot
  • /plot setflag Set plot flags
  • /plot done Set a plot as done (Admins only)
  • /plot continue Continue a plot that was previously marked as done
  • /plot setdescription Set the plot description
  • /plot setalias Set the plots name
  • /plot sethome Set the plot home
  • /plot toggle Toggle per user settings


  • /plot inbox Review comments for a plot
  • /plot comment Comment on a plot
  • /plot chat Toggle plot chat on and off

Plots Admin Build Unowned


  • /plot save Save your plot (Admin only)
  • /plot load Load a plot (Admin only)
  • /plot download Download your plot
  • /plot schematic Schematic command for (Admins only)
  • /plot bo3 Import/Export plot as bo3 (Admins only)



  • /plot set Set a plot value <biome alias home flag>
  • /plot clear Clear a plot
  • /plot music Play Music in your Plot
  • /plot setbiome Set the plot biome


  • /plot confirm Confirm an action
  • /plot info Display the plot info
  • /plot list List plots
  • /plot rate Rate the plot [# next]
  • /plot target Target a plot with your compass <<plot> nearest>
  • /plot help Get to the help menu

Plots Admin Interact Road Closures

Plot Limits Per Rank

Plots Admin Interact Road Jobs

  • Deckhand 1 Plot
  • Cadet 2 Plots
  • Sailor 3 Plots
  • Carpenter 4 Plots
  • Gunner 5 Plots
  • Boatswain 6 Plots
  • Firstmate 7 Plots
  • Quartermaster 8 Plots
  • Lieutenant Donator Rank 10 Plots
  • Commander Donator Rank 12 Plots
  • Captain Donator Rank 14 Plots
  • Craftsman Builder Rank 30 Plots
  • Staff 100 Plots