Our Motto is to utilize the information published in our journal which is stored in our databases to re-collect and analyze for new research purposes of achieving new goals in the fields of epidemiological studies, public health research and drug safety surveillance for future treatment purposes.

Our inception is to publish distinctive manuscripts that provide notable and remarkable contributions across varied fields of clinical and medical research.


CASE REPORT: We report a case in which a 31-year-old woman with small cell ovarian carcinoma, hypercalcemic type presented with unspecific symptoms. We emphasize the importance of treatment planning and address fertility-sparing surgical procedures, which remain a therapeutic dilemma. Journal of Medical Case Reports In the era of evidence-based practice, we need practice-based evidence. The basis of this evidence is the detailed information from the case reports of individual people which informs both our clinical research and our daily clinical care.

  • A selective platform of 'whole nine yards' for medical publishing.
  • Seamless knowledge of latest discovered information across the globe.
  • Physical editors and statistical experts to ensure publishing plagiarism-free work.
  • We publish in compliance with Creative Common Attribution License.
  1. International Journal of Case Reports and Clinical Images (IJCRCI) is an open access peer-reviewed, scientific and scholarly journal that publishes Case Reports and Clinical Images in all areas of Clinical Medicine.
  2. 2020;7:e313 Editor’s Commentary: This month's case describes a patient with prior a history of non-healing gastric ulcers treated by the Billroth II procedure, with subsequent Roux-En-Y surgery and vagotomy.
  3. JACC: Case Reports Video Case Presentation Procedural Complications. JACC: Case Reports Editor-in-Chief Dr. Julia Grapsa, MD, PhD. JACC: Case Reports Editor-in-Chief Dr. Julia Grapsa is joined by Deputy Editor Dr. Eric Bates, Associate Editors Drs. David Fischman and Mladen Vidovich, and a panel of other experts including Drs. George Dangas, Ajay Kirtane, and Poonam Velagapudi.
J Case Report


Our editors are key personnel who work together on agenda and scope of the journal to help and drive our publication policies to its highest potential.

Aron Michael Devane

MDPrisma Health UpstateUnited States
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Ebrahim Barkoudah

MD, MPH, FACP, SFHM Harvard Medical SchoolUnited States
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Jae Y. Ro

MD, Ph.DWeill Medical College of Cornell UniversityUnited States

Case Report Example

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Shengyuan Yu

MS, MDChinese PLA General HospitalChina
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We project one's content or research as their and make sure that the published key discovery is plagiarism free.

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The expert reviewers are advised or ordered to follow criteria for judging the impishness of the journal.

Physical Therapy Case Report


All the changes will be forwarded to the author once article is reviewed by peer and editor.

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We shall provide additional support for tracking down the proof read doc and the copy editing services.


Research paper will be published online after peer review and final approval of the author.