The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and the British Empire, and it is often considered a major turning point for the country. Some of the major effects of the war of 1812 were increased patriotism in the United States and increased respect for the US from other countries. The US military and manufacturing were also strengthened. There was also a decline in the power of the Federalist party, as well as less threat from Native Americans.

  1. 3 Results Of The War 1812 Casualties
  2. Result Of The War Of 1812
  3. War Of 1812 Summary

Start studying Ch. 7 (Results of the War of 1812). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The war showed that the United States would stand up for its beliefs and fight for them if necessary. The United States was upset that the British interfered with its trade and impressed its. The War of 1812 (which lasted from 1812 to 1814) was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded several times by the Americans.

This war has also been called the second war for independence. Victories against British troops helped to make Americans feel more united, and patriotism strengthened after the war. This is considered to be one of the most important effects of the War of 1812.

At the time of the war, the British Empire was a major world power, and the US was a smaller and much less powerful entity. Since the United States took a stand against a major world power, other countries began to take notice. The Americans' actions caused other parts of the world to eventually gain more respect for the young nation.

In modern times, the US has one of the best military forces in the world. In part, this is another effect of the War of 1812. It was during and after this war that the country began to realize the importance of a strong, organized military. The United States began to rely less on the unorganized militia and more on trained soldiers.

Increased manufacturing ability was another of the important outcome of the war. Since the British were enforcing a blockade along the American coast, the country was unable to get some much-needed supplies, including cotton cloth. Due to this shortage, Americans were forced to manufacture the cloth on their own.

The Federalist party was the first political party in America, and it began in 1790. For various reasons, this party opposed the War of 1812. A significant American victory in New Orleans raised the morale of the people of the US, and marked the beginning of the end of the party.

3 Results Of The War 1812 Casualties

Also, during the War of 1812, the British troops armed the Native Americans near the Great Lakes. After they began losing battles against US troops, the British Empire withdrew their support. This weakening of Native American power made them less of a threat, and the US was able to expand into the area formerly know as the Northwest Territory near the Great Lakes.

The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and the United Kingdom. Each party had its allies supporting it. The war was fought in North America and in the sea.

The War of 1812 broke out in June 1812 and lasted until February 1815. The Americans declared war against the British because of the conflicts they had at sea. The Royal Navy had a tendency of capturing the Americans in the sea and forcing them to work in the Royal Navy. Americans had had enough of the Royal Navy taking advantage of its superiority in their impressments and blockade activities. Britain blockading America from trading with France further triggered the declaration of the war. The War of 1812 was the first time in history that the Americans declared war against the British.

Result Of The War Of 1812

Forces Involved In the War

The United States Navy was made of 7,250 sailors. The force was well trained and professional because it had had experience in previous wars. The only problem the force experienced was inadequate funding. America was also not well equipped with warships. The opponent, the Royal Navy, was well trained and well-equipped and was the greatest naval power in the world. At this time, the British did not concentrate fully on the war because part of its army was involved in the Napoleonic War which was also being fought at the same time.

Who Won the War of 1812?

By the end of the war, the US has suffered costly defeat in the hands of their rival including the burning of Washington DC. Approximately 15,000 people Americans died during the war and 8,600 British and Canadians also died. The war ended with the signing of Treaty of Ghent which resulted to over a century of peace between the two countries. Consequently, the War of 1812 led to economic stagnation in the economy of America. The British had successfully managed to blockade America’s coastline. Some of the products scarce in the US including cotton clothes.

Case for British Victory


The British claim that they did not take the war seriously as their opponents did. They insist that the Americans took advantage of them being involved in the Napoleonic War which was being fought at the time. The British did not send large troops to support the Royal Navy until 1814. They consider themselves victorious because the war was more of a walk in the park for them, and not a struggle as the Americans consider it. Furthermore, the British argue that the Americans failed to drive them from North America, which implies that they were more powerful.

War Of 1812 Summary

Case for American Victory

The Americas insist that they won the war for a number of reasons. It was the first time that America was staging a war against Britain, which had the most superior navy in the world. Due to the British sea superiority, it was expected that America would lose some of its territories to the British. However, none of America’s territory was conquered during the war. America’s success in the assertion of its independence from the British also makes them insist that they won the war.